In this together: Rice students, Korean kids forge mutually beneficial bonds

Before the pandemic hit, Jayoung Song was planning to take the students in her first-year Korean language class on a series of immersive trips to some of Houston’s Korean restaurants and grocery stores. And Will Rice freshman Diego Lopez-Bernal was eagerly awaiting the first outing, because trying Korean food last year was one of the things that got him interested in learning the language in the first place.

Rice News

Rice students visiting SK headquarters in South Korea

6월 20일, SK이노베이션이 장학금을 지원하고 있는 美 텍사스주 휴스턴에 위치한 라이스 대학교(Rice University, 이하 ‘라이스 대학교’)의 한국학 전공 대학생들이 SK이노베이션 본사가 위치한 SK서린사옥 및 사회적기업 ‘모어댄’을 방문했다.

SK News


Study-abroad students get a virtual encounter with South Korea

Visiting another country for the first time can be disorienting, even if you speak the language. That’s why the Center for Languages and International Communication(CLIC) holds an exhaustive daylong orientation for students spending the summer in one of the Rice in Country study-abroad programsto answer a variety of cultural and communication questions ahead of the trips.

Rice News

Korean Culture Night at Rice University

‘젊음의 행진’ K-POP 댄스, 복면가왕 무대 학생들 환호
공기놀이·딱지치기·사물놀이 시연 등, 한국 전통 문화 홍보


Rice students experience next frontier in language acquisition: Virtual reality

On a Friday morning in early November, a group of 12 Rice undergraduates in Jayoung Song’s second-year Korean language class took out their smartphones, opened the YouTube app and fastened their phones to a virtual reality headset.
Rice News

SK Innovation Gift donation for Korean Program at Rice

SK Innovation, South Korea’s first and largest energy and petrochemical company, donates $50,000 to Rice University.
Rice News Korea Herald  etoday PN Newswire

Rice-in-Korea summer study abroad program

미국 윌리엄 마시 라이스 대학(William Marsh Rice University, 이하 라이스 대학) 학생들을 대상으로 한 한국 언어‧문화 연수 프로그램이 지난 5월 15일(월)부터 오는 6월 23일(금)까지, 경희대학교 국제교육원(원장 조현용)에서 진행될 예정이다.
Dongpo NewsAsia News Agency